Tuesday, April 12, 2016

1. The creation of hybrid spaces is a difficult concept to grasp. In short, it begins a process of injecting data into spaces and creating a social environment where the virtual is always present and visualized in the lives of daily users. Hybrid space can come and go, and it is experienced when a user or institution begins using locational data, applications and networked terminals/devices to influence everyday spatiality. Think about The Internet of Things, which ensures the creation of hybrid space in everyday environments. Explain what makes hybrid space different from cyberspace and give examples of both. How is the way we see virtuality changing as hybrid spaces and The Internet of Things becomes more common? What changes does hybrid space bring about in the everyday spatiality of people? Have you been through a hybrid space?

"The idea of virtual reality as a simulation (or illusion) of reality opposes the virtual to the real and consists of what we call the ‘‘technological virtual.’’"
In the article of Adriana and Sutko, concept of virtual reality is discussed from the different perspectives. Devices such as mobile phone give Virtual reality in which people can exist in both actual location as well as location pointed by the mobile phone. Then, authors explain that virtual reality exist only by interaction of the computer and a user. In addition, according to Plato virtual reality is the copy of the actual reality. Reality can be real when represented, even if not real as the object. In addition, according to Aristotle virtual is potential, while reality is actualized potential. Finally, according to the Hayles Virtuality appear when information intercept with material object. From the class discussion and given article it was clear that internet can quite real entity and hybrid space can be changed as internet becomes more real.

“Ubiquitous computing” means portable, networked and personal. Space is not stable thing, because our understanding of space constantly changing. We though a space as something hold everything. However, there are no space without people, math, logic and etc. abstractive space do not exist without society and through science we can manipulate the space. Abstract space can be filled with personal Ideas, like me, I and my. “Connections with other users may lead to connections with others places” (Location-aware mobile media and urban sociability P.8). This also reinforce the idea that space can be disrupted and it is not constant. 
 “that argue that people gain control over public spaces with location-aware technologies” (Locational Privacy in Public Spaces: Media Discourses on Location-Aware Mobile Technologies P.8). Hybrid space = If you remove data from the space, data will be meaningless.  We put data to the space our self and create hybrid space. As I understood public space and hybrid space can be the same entity. For that reason, it is possible to imply that people can manipulate hybrid space by the gadgets.
Hybrid space can change spatiality of the person in several ways. First, it can be come independent of the specific location. Secondly, Location of the person can be located in specific place, like in FACEBOOK. Finally, GPS can locate that orientation of the person in the real word and show it the hybrid space.
Different cultures interpret time differently. It heavily dependent on the way people interact with each other in the society. Like mayan calendar was extremely precise for them. But their understanding of space and time was different from Romanian. 
Social space
Hybrid: technological understanding is also abstract understanding. In tech. understanding data us uses you in abstract data and transfers you in abstract data. Spaciality is your body movement in the space.
Hybrid space redefines “ the virtual”. Because we use computers it constantly represent us, others and our space. In a real data is all around them. In addition, virtual as somewhere you go and virtual is constructed by symbols. For example, Zizck in reality CMC is the same as real world. We see internet becomes a physical, and if it misses life becomes different. According to Deleuze Virtual as a set of possibility. This means that virtually is about simulation and visualization of the possibilities.  It exists because you think about it then you desire to have something, more possibility that this thing is really exist. I am constantly present in hybrid space, because I use internet. Internet is also hybrid space.

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