Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Response Assignment 1: Read and respond to Romiszowski & Mason’s “Computer Mediated Communication”; 10 Points In no less than 750 words total, respond to these questions (you may type in your answers below): 1. Using examples from the reading, define (1) CMC and (2) the scope of CMC research. What issues does current CMC research encompass, and what practices and technologies are considered part of CMC? 2. Using examples from reading, what are some technologies associated with CMC? Gives examples of some practices are considered CMC-related.

1. Using examples from the reading, define (1) CMC and (2) the scope of CMC research. What issues does current CMC research encompass, and what practices and technologies are considered part of CMC?

“Computer – mediated communication (CMC) is generic term now commonly used for a variety of systems that enable people to communicate with other people by means of computers and networks” (page 1). From the perspective of my personal subjective opinion, CMC is every electronic tool that is used to day, which enable transfer of information in every form. For example, mails, Facebook, skype, advertisement and etc. scope of the research of CMC can be group conversations or work of different individual people. Moreover, if people separated by time database can be in scope of the CMC research. Any technology that enables people to communicate through space and time can be considered part of CMC technology, for example online sources, databases and mails. Current research in CMC can encompass multi-way communication, when people respond and receive messages simultaneously, synchronous and asynchronous communication, which varies in time.

2. Using examples from reading, what are some technologies associated with CMC? Gives examples of some practices are considered CMC-related.

“…the United States were linked by a network named ARPANET, which was so designed as to offer multiple communication paths between the various nodes or sites in the network” (page 3)
Local network systems, such as ARPANET, were founder of the global systems such as internet. Internet can be used by the variety sources and in my opinion it one of the most important technology that can be used in CMC.

“North American telephone companies to offer low cost rates for business communication in Europe” (page 3). Telephone is another type of the technology that is used today in the CMC. Telecommunication is a growing trend around the world. More and more people using in year after year and it is a global trend. For example in Kazakhstan, which not so long ago, in villages had only several phone, now has full access to telephone and the internet.

“The incorporation of graphics, audio, video, and, in the future perhaps, even simulations of a virtual reality nature, which may all be transmitted across the digital information superhighways, is opening the potential for a much richer form of CMC” (page 4).  From this perspective it is possible to conclude that YouTube can be part of CMC, because it give people access to video, audio and so on.

“…a notable trend is illustrated by the “virtual classroom” methodologies that have been implemented and researched by Roxanne Hiltz and her collaborators” (page 4). Given method considered to be one of the new methods, which apply usage of the networks. It is known that this method is used by leading coaches in the self-development, as well as individualized and group lectures and online sources. For example, Kaplan online courses.

“…… interface between remote databases in libraries and students or may in other ways facilitate the learning process” (page 4). As it was mentioned from the text another technological method that is used by the CMC is database. For example, in biology databases, such as PUBMED quite useful.
3. What are some of the difficulties in studying CMC? Use the reading to list at least 3 major issues facing CMC researchers.

“one important trend already mentioned is the explosive rate at which new technologies for communication are being disseminated” (page 3). Early types of the CMC communication involved text based communication only. For that reason most of the communication research was based on the text too. Unfortunately, with development of the technology not all of the research may be valid for now.

“Another issue that is increasingly facing researchers and practitioners in the area of CMC is weather this medium should be considered as an alternative way of implementing previously well-tried teaching/learning strategies or whether the medium itself may lead to the implementation of novel strategies that previously were not used” (page 4). Another issue that face CMC researchers is to find or replicate new methods for their research. It is difficult to make with constantly developed technologies and process could be scientific and creative as well.

Another issue faced by the CMC research is involvement in different debates and conflicts. For example, constructivism vs objectivism, humanism vs. mechanism, cognitive vs. behaviorist psychology. For that reason a lot research must be addressed to that theories to solve them. Unfortunately, for now those field wasn’t studied.

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