Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2. Use Dovey & Kennedy to explain identity negotiated when playing games--why is identity part of a "cybernetic loop?" What is a "cyborg" and why is the concept important in studying games?How do players form an identity in games, and what is unique about the use of identity.

Cyborg is the hybrid between human and machine. “In short we are cyborgs” (108 p.) Author states that people and machine interact with each other by cybernetic loop. Loop is basically feedback of machine on the action of the gamer. It is possible to obtain sensory feedback from the game through avatar. Finally, after several hours of the game, avatar becomes representative of gamer actions.  
Game mechanics in the everyday life, such as level and coins. In addition, gameplay to sustain interest by sustain gamer to learn game mechanics. So people get in return possibility to play game.
In addition, gameplay is used to create non-coercive environment. Finally, use game mechanics to engage in game, forget about time and anything to put gamers in the flow state. So, they become more productive.
Ludification is to put cultural processes in the game.

Example, education is force you to do something, but education was gamified at the beginning by levels and coins for example.   

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