Tuesday, April 12, 2016

1. Thurlow, Lingle and Tomic lay out the differences between"Cyberspace, Cybersociety and Cyberculture." Define each term, and explain how they are similar and/or different. Give an example of cybersociety, cyberspace and cyberculture.

1. Thurlow, Lingle and Tomic lay out the differences between"Cyberspace, Cybersociety and Cyberculture." Define each term, and explain how they are similar and/or different. Give an example of cybersociety, cyberspace and cyberculture.

“Cyberspace is about the people who use the internet and the different uses they put it to” – page 29. In other words, cyberspace is internet itself. People or users can use internet differently, for example to create database to access certain information.
“Cybersociety – a term which perhaps describes better the way that communication mediated by the internet is all about social life: people, interactions, relationships, identities and communities” – page 29. One of the example of the cybersociety is social networks such as VK.com, which popular among Russian language speakers, and Facebooks. Those sites user can create their own rules, regulations and communications style.
“cyberculture is merely another domain or expression of cultural life more generally.” Cyberculture is culture inside the cyberspace. For example, in online games users crate guild or groups, which has certain rules, values or may have certain communication style unique for their group or game.

Cybersociety may seems similar to Cyberculture, but they are different. Cybersociety we call a group of people, while Cyberculture is values and goals of the group.
Similarity off all three is that all three take place in the internet. 

2.Thurlow, Lingle and Tomic describe "Interpersonal Dynamics" in CMC. What are some issues faced when attempting interactions on an interpersonal level in CMC? Is CMC inherently antisocial or ascocial communication? Give an example of when you have unsuccessfully tried to communicate with someone via CMC/

One of the most important issue faced by CMC in interpersonal level is emotions. By using the CMC is difficult for receiver to interpret from the source. For that reason people could get confused if he or she will get contextual information.
Asocial means, without society, while Antisocial means against society. CMC could be both asocial and antisocial. However, antisocial acts do not regularly take place in the cyberspace. In the other hand People often could act asocial. This could be for the several reason. One of them is deindividualization. Moreover, people with asocial behavior, like hikikomori in Japan could function normally by using the CMC.

Last time I was unable to communicate with my professor from the University. I still do not know the cause of the problem. May it was internet connection or just ignore.   

3. Jones poses the question, "Can their be community in an purely informational space?" What does Jones say about the existence of community in online, virtual or CMC-based environments? Some hold that communities need a "place" to meet. Does CMC "decenter" place; can online or virtual environments exist as places where we go, or are they different? 
For the certain there can be community of purely informational space, such as fun pages of famous starts.
According to Jones people in internet community has similar spirituality and may be connected geographically.
“we may forge our own places from the many exist, not by creating new places but simply choosing from the menu of those available…” Online or virtual environment could be the place where we go and they are different in many ways from the real word. On line games is a place where we go to play. In addition, by simply surfing in the internet we can choose the place to go. Virtual place can be different from the real word places, because users may have different rituals to which they are strongly attached.  


From my personal point of view cyberspace and cyberculture can be connected to symbolic-interactionist theory from sociology. According to this theory people create symbols and communicate according to them. From that pattern we could see that different rules and regulations appears in the virtual places. 

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