Tuesday, April 12, 2016

1. What are the unique aspects of digital games? Use the Dovey & Kennedy reading to explain what games are, what gameplay is, and how they construct the identity of the "player." How is power negotiated in gaming, and what are the unique aspects of embodiment while playing games? Think of a time when you played a game. Why did you play and how did you feel while playing; did you feel for or less powerful?

“Gameplay is therefore an experience that requires, develops and reflects back a particular kind of technicity” (115 p.) This mean that technology and experience gained from the game is interrelated. Moreover, gameplay is a mechanics of the game which allows certain actions.
Game and simulation is basically the same things. In CMC simulation is more like possibilities. So, gaming is simulation with game parts. Gaming can be simulative use simulation part but not necessary simulation.
Game designers used game simulation to create a game for people with autism. Some times those people can’t to communicate with each other. So game designers put autists in the game situations with anxiety and emotions.
Game and gameplay can be used to construct user identity by using avatar from the game. In the book you can find example of “ridick”. In this game, like in other games, gamer experience the game by obtaining the feedback from the gameplay through avatar.
Embodiment in the game can be achieved through the loop interaction between player and the technology. Gamers get habituated to the game platform, such PS4, PS3, PC, XBOX1 and etc. Finally, gamer feels specific gadget as part of the body.   
Reason why people use game, because it is safe and we can learn possibilities from people. For example, in military simulation is used to training. Training soldiers to interact with civilians.

It is known that game can produce the state of flow. In flow state gamer forget about time, food and everything else. Gamer can think about the game. In addition, feeling of the game can be changed by using gadjet, as can be seen from the above.

Costranova said that gaming is petri dish and rat maze, because game is about surveillance. If people see game it is natural and not dangerous to watch you. Shadow economy happening in the game society. Moreover, game provide communicative structure and    

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