Tuesday, April 12, 2016

2. Describe issues of structure in online environments? What was the PEN system and what was it mean to do? Do you think it succeeded in giving people a voice? What were some of the issues that users faced and what was the final result? Do structural issues (of class) affect CMC like they do in the physical world?

In online inviroment issues the same as in real word. For example, in online world exist hierarchy of users, like hierarchy of people in real world. People can not get equal access to different resources and have the same freedom of the speech, because one voice will weigh more than of another. PEN was an administrative system that serves for communication of people with city administration. PEN always gave people a voice, however homeless people had lower voice for administration, because another system worked with them. PEN tried to give equal voice to all citizens. System succeed at the beginning and even some stereotypes were broken. For example, homeless people asked strict low against drunk vandalism and so on. However, people become more disappointed with PEN, because at the end it reinforced many stereotypes and lead to discontent in the online resource. Structural issues in real world do not effect on CMC. First of all there are no physical borders in CMC, which allow user to travel simultaneously in any direction. Moreover, you cannot identify pedigree of the person. For that reason usual stereotypes about person blood and hierarchy become meaningless. From my personal opinion it happens due to deindividuation, individual loose their identity and become braver than in real life. They do not feel responsible for their actions. 

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