Tuesday, April 12, 2016


According to the Wikipedia immigration is movement of people from one place to another in order to have a permanent or semi permanent settlement. Moreover, it is the part of globalization because by immigration people start to share with their culture and with local economy. In addition, there are three main factors which effect to human decision to immigrate. The first one is environmental conditions, for example earthquake and volcanic eruption. The second reason that affect on human immigration is political issues, for example a war. The last reason that affect on human immigration is economical difficulties in country, for example lack of food and unemployment.
The first factor that affect on human immigration is environmental conditions. However, in 21th century that factor considered to be less significant factor than in past centuries. The hundred  years before people usually immigrate, because of people was fully depend on agriculture, and when the land become useless people immigrate. From the latest example of immigration due to environmental conditions was earthquake in Haiti. Because of that disaster about 350 000 people was dead and people who loosed their houses immigrate to Canada.
The second factor that affect on human immigration is political issues, for example war. Usually people immigrate from that condition, because they do not want participate in conflict. In addition, war may lead to poverty and unemployment. For instance, in the year 2011 during the civil war in Livan, people start to immigrate to European countries. Moreover, human immigration sometime relate to the improper politic of the government, for example before the Second World War Israeli immigrated from Germany to different countries. This  happened because policy of the Germany was against Israeli.
The third reason for the human immigration is economical difficulties in the country. The most significant factor of the immigration from the economical difficulties is the unemployment. Take for example typical men, who needs accommodation, food and pocket money for him or her and for his or her family. If they do not have that kind of opportunities, people will have to immigrate to place more better conditions.

In conclusion, there are three main factor which affect on immigration of people, and force people to immigrate from one place to place and have permanent or semi-permanent settlement. Those factors are environmental conditions, political issues and economical difficulties. However, there are also other factors which affect on human immigration. All in all, there are won’t massive immigration of people, if people have all appropriate conditions to live.

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