Tuesday, April 12, 2016

theoretical vaccine against Zombie Virus, Immunology, Dr.Shipley

-        The composition of the vaccine
Vaccine will have modified Bat - hybridoma cells that produce IgG1 and IgG3 that attached to bat-FcyR1. Bat-FcyR1 receptor has hydrophobic region that can associate with effector cells and trigger their activation.

-        The specific target of your vaccine
Vaccine will bound to Z1; as a result protect host infection from virus infection.
-        The delivery method of vaccine
Hybridoma must be injected intravenously.

-        Vaccine production

·        Rabbit or goat must be infected with weakened z1h1
·        Blast cell from the host must be isolated.
·        Fuse plasma cell with myeloma cell, to obtain hybridoma
·        Modify batman hybrid Omaha so it will not trigger any immune response (it can be obtained because all the antigens were hide in bat-stealth mode)
·        Grow enough hybridoma For huge population
·        Finally, purify IgG1 and IgG3

-        The intended mechanism by which vaccine works
Bat-Hybridma will produce huge amount of IgG1 and IgG3 which modified to have bat-FcyR1 attached to it. It is known that Z1N1 can engulf and use antibody for replication, however it is not the case with Bat-antibodies. Bat-FcyR1 attracts different immune system cells, such as Macrophages, Neutrophils, Eosinophils and Dendritic cells. By using hydrophobic region it can consequently activate effector cell. Moreover, bat-FcyR1 able to bind to usual FcyR1 receptor with higher affinity than usual antibodies.  In addition, antibodies able to opsonize Z1N1 and prevent virus from the host penetration.  Z1N1 virus can’t destroy bat-antibody, because bat-FcyR1 attached to it.

-        Whether your vaccine is prophylactic or therapeutic
Vaccine can be used as therapeutic, because of the fast and effective response.
-        Potential adverse reactions of vaccine
Hybridoma will not be able to undergo class switching, to produce IgA and travel to the mucous membrane. Consequently, mucous membrane of respiratory tract will have no protection. It is better to use 1 vaccine with combination of the second vaccine.   
Activated macrophages can produce cytokines, which may end up with cytokines storm. Consequently, it leads to ROS production, which can lead to tissue damage.

The population that should receive your vaccine
Vaccine can be effective for people who already infected with virus, because it can trigger effective immune response from the inside.

 Passive immunization:
       The composition of vaccine
The second vaccine is passive immunity type vaccine. Again myeloma cell and plasma cell (which produce IgA) will be used to produce hybridoma. After that hybridoma will be modified to produce dimeric IgA with bat-FcαRI receptor attached. Finally, antibodies will be purified.
       The specific target(s) of your vaccine
Dimeric IgA will target Z1 (HA glycoprotein), because it is unique to the zombie virus and will increase specificity. After attachment to the Z1, bat-FcαRI receptor attached to the antibody will activate Monocytes, Macrophages, Neutrophils and Eosinophils. Activation of these cells via bat-FcαRI is important, since some viruses are able to use macrophages to travel down to lower respiratory tracks [1]. Bat-FcαRI will help to neutralize virus.
       The delivery method for your vaccine
Vaccine can be delivered to the person, by inhalator to the respiratory ways.
       The intended mechanism by which your vaccine works
Dimeric IgA will work as neutralizing antibody. It will attach to the Z1 part of the virus and have resistance against virus, which usually eat and reuse antibody, because of the bat-FcαRI. Attachment to the virus, will protect host from the infection, because dimeric IgA will not allow virus to enter to the cell in mucous membrane.
Bat - FcαRI receptor attached to the dimeric IgA. Bat - FcαRI receptor able to bind to normal FcαRI receptor with higher affinity than normal IgA. In addition, it has hydrophobic region that able to attach to the cell membrane of Dendritic cell, Macrophages, Neutrophils and Eosinophils, in order to induce response in them.
       Whether your vaccine is prophylactic or
This vaccine is administered during the disease and therefore therapeutic. It possible to use vaccine for prophylactic purposes,  because it gives protection for the limited amount of time.  
       Your vaccination regimen
Vaccination must be done once a month, because antibody is not produced in the host. After it time antibodies can be eliminated from the body.
       Potential adverse reactions from your vaccine
Activated macrophages can produce cytokines, which may end up with cytokines storm. Consequently, it leads to ROS production, which can lead to tissue damage.
       The population that should receive your vaccine
Everyone should receive vaccine, because it is easily transmitted through air.

Reference :

 Mucosal Delivery of Biopharmaceuticals. 

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