Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Personal Policy of leadership, Leadership map, Communication class, Jenifer Lewis

The leadership class was interesting point in my leadership way. If you familiar with my weekly journals, it was mentioned that I am planning to build a private clinic. Building a successful private clinic is impossible without good leadership skills. For that reason I decided to take Leadership communication instead of other humanities and social classes. Saying that I get many things from this class is like saying nothing. So, I will mention each points in separate paragraphs, such as communication, leadership styles, followers, vision, slogan, stereotypes, mentors and power pose.
From the first week book mentioned that communication as primary tool of leadership. Communication consist of verbal and non-verbal parts. It is allow us to communicate according to symbols. From sociology theory of symbolistic interactionism, it’s known that people communicate according to symbols, which they create themselves [3]. Symbols can be anything. For example, positive reinforcement, such as money. Famous example is Pavlov dog that was trained to salivate for food. On the other hand, communication and charisma is strongly interrelated. Charisma is known as specific way of communication. I believe this is most important part of my PPL. Usually I am conservative, quite and unresponsive to people, and do not communicate with many classmates. From this point I decided to develop my specific way of communication with people, which will allow to attract certain people. Developing specific way of communication will allow to become more charismatic and attractive as a leader.     
Good leader can use all types of leadership styles, such as democratic, authoritarian and laissez-faire in different situations. My future plan to become skillful in using all of them. Example of the authoritarian style can be North Korea. Where communism dictates to people, how to live. I believe that there no ideally democratic style of the leadership.  The last one, Laissez-faire was used in our group in discussion leadership assignment. Where, everyone was more or less experts in class presentation. Laissez-faire type of leadership give productive work when skillful and creative workers do what they want to do. The same situation was in our group. Everyone did their job as productively and creatively. In comparison, I had an experience of leading the group in junior research. Unfortunately, one person and only one of six group members gave me, as a leader, real head ache. He was angry, irresponsible, had conflicts with everyone and even told some gossips about me at the end of the semesters. However, this group work in comm. 460 was different from previous semester. It was real pleasure to work with this people. Even if there was no concise emerged or assigned leader, this group work showed to me one important things. It is easy to be productive, task oriented leader, and friendly, interpersonal oriented leader, when you have a good team. As a future leader I decided to be a leader that will not waste a time to people, who do not deserve it. Moreover, choosing best team members will be one of the main concern to me. From this point I decided that I will be very careful in choosing my followers.
Another interesting point in me leadership way was self-assessment test. During the outclass discussions, it was clear that some student do not like self-assessment test, but I personally believe that it allows to see yourself from other side. This is sometimes very difficult to do, but very valuable.      
  I did self-assessment of leadership communication style. According to the results, I have preference to authoritarian and democratic style. However, I less prefer Laissez-Faire style of communication. I understand from the book that communication styles are dependent on different situation. For that reason, I should encourage myself to use Laissez-Faire style of communication, when it is appropriate.
However, self-assessment test from the book showed that I have high least-preferred coworker (LPS) score. This basically means that I am more relationship oriented. This is very strange because usually I am unresponsive to people.

Another test was related to values and personal slogan.
My terminal values:
1. Sense of accomplishment
2. Inner harmony
3. Salvation
4. A comfortable life
5. Self-respect
6. Happiness
My Instrumental values (help to achieve goals):
1. Honest
2. Self-controlled
3. Responsible
4. Courageous
5. Independent
6. Forgiving
This week I did test about my terminal and instrumental values to identify personal vision and slogan. Thermal and instrumental values you see above are my top values.
My personal vision statement:
Infinity (in soul and mind) can be achieved by honest and hard work, if I will not afraid to think independently.
My Slogan:
With right thinking I can reach an infinity.
In the lecture it was mentioned that good leader use different combination of power. I did self-assessment to identify personal power profile. According to the results, I have high combination of reward, legitimate, referent and expert power. However, I have low coercive power. It is known that coercive power is can lower effect of other power type, but it can be effective to rule huge number of people. Personally, I believe that for me it is important to use coercive power from time to time.

As a leader I must think about employees and followers, for that reason I must think about follower’s motivation. In addition, in order to become better leader I must overcome some mental challenges, such as reciprocation, commitment, social proof and liking. All of this related to stereotypes, which may become areal obstacles in my leadership way. For now I am less stereotypical about people than in childhood, when a lot of people was able to shape my way of thinking. However, trip to US helped me to reach a new level of development, when all my soviet stereotypes shattered to small debris. Stereotypes are very complicated issue and it is difficult to get rid of them, but still possible. 

Relationship is important to achieve the aims and to connection. Mentor is important for career and psychological support. I have several mentors in my life. For example, Azamat abi, Ernar abi, Dr. Schoenbach and ect. One of the mentors once told me that life is all about creating the habit. First we create the habit and then habit create us. 7 habit of highly effective people is important and make sense for me. My personal habit of the success: Daily to do list! I knew that good teacher is important, but I didn’t think that it will be emphasized in the book as a part of the chapter. Sometimes we see argument to support our personal opinion. Here a mentor for leadership is important for several reasons. First of all it is mirror neurons, which located in the brain in several regions such as Inferior parietal cortex, Supplementary motor area, Ventral premortal area and Primary somato sensory cortex. [2] Mirror neurons are very important in education in any age and especially in childhood. [2] They allow children to copy emotions, behavior, attitude to work, intonation and basically everything they see in the people around them [2]. Process of coping other is unconscious and we unaware of it, for that reason it is very import to understand, what kind of people around us. From that point I will find best mentors with excellent leadership skills, which will teach me how to become the better leader. Currently, I believe that I have at least one around, because I involved in the project with Dr. Schoenbach. In truth he is good leader and can organize excellent research work. I have a lot thing to learn from him. 
Power posing for 2 min before important event was very interesting to know about this technique. I personally very liked it and we even used it in our leadership discussion presentation. From psychology it is known that emotion can be awakened in three different ways. One of the theory states that physiology (body position and biological process in it) comes first. Then, brain analyze everything related to body and position is included too. Finally, brain makes decision about emotions that must be awakened. If you power pose for several minutes, brain will help to awake certain pleasant emotions, which will make you more confident and dominant over situation. In video it was stated that it increase the dopamine, but I see from different perspective. Again I really, liked power pose techniques and to be more confident and positive as a leader will use it in the future. Unfortunately, for now I am not really confident person, I am not open for communication and it is really difficult to communicate with someone. For that reason to develop specific way of communication and become charismatic person, I will use power poses during and before important conversations, and this is habit to develop.    
In conclusion, currently I am not experienced leader and have average communication skills with people. My dream called “private clinic” will require development of all mentioned skills and new habits. I believe book didn’t emphasize much to one important issue, which is directly related to all chapters of leadership development. This is high values. Values are the most important characteristics that person can develop in the entire life. Values identify person as an individual and it’s characteristics, such charisma, habits, way of thinking and etc.  My primary leadership goal will related to developments of high values, which I believe will attract people with the same values to me. Consequently, I will form a team of people, who will positively influence to me (mirror neurons), and I will positively influence to them. This will lead to overall success in my life and leadership skills are required.      
Weekly journals:
This week I started to write responses about leadership. Several things I understood about leadership. First of all according to the symbolic-interactionist theory, people create symbols and communicate according to those symbols. This fact I know from Intro to sociology class that I took last semester. Consequently, I figured out that leaders also create symbols and communicate according to those symbols, and it is no surprise for me, because all people create symbols. In class we discussed the example of Mark Ayala, who created A T-shirt Company, in order to show a gratitude to his employee, Mark printed out T-shirt for them. However, some people found this T-shirt humiliating. From this example we can infer that not all the symbols that were created by leaders are appropriate. Sometimes it is better to use universal symbols, such as money for example.
During the class Jenifer Lewis told that, when they got money in their job, she was much appreciated. As I know from the psychology classes money is secondary reinforcement, because it allows buying primary reinforcement such as food. One of the well-known example is a Povlov’ dog, which salivated to the bell ring. For that reason I have an idea that leader can shape behavior of employees buy reinforcing the appropriate behavior.
Moreover, as I understand from the lectures, we can conclude that there almost nothing unique about human being. Every aspect of human personality can be questioned or disproved. However, communication with people is one of the most import skills of leader. An example of Peter Houghton is appropriate one here. He talked with employee to make something important.
This week I learned that leadership involves communication. Communication involves some interesting processes that I never noticed before. For example, according to Barnlund principle of communication, I learned that communication involves personality and it is circular. Actually, there was another three facts but they are strait forward, so I skip them. It was mentioned that leadership is actually about your actions and innate traits. From that point of view I started to think about leadership as a temperament of the person. Temperament usually do not change during the lifetime and it is born trait. Moreover, I read that leadership modifies attitude and behavior, in order to reach certain goals. To reach those goals something must be done, because work will never be done by someone else. For that reason, leadership is considered as act of communication and collaboration with others. Finally, there are two dimensions of the communication in leadership, such as task and interpersonal. Those dimensions make work to be done.
There are three type of communication styles, such as Democratic, authoritarian and laissez-faire. I was familiar with democratic and authoritarian styles. This is because I made analogy with different parenting styles from psychology course. I understood that followers similar to children and visa verse. The most interesting communication style was laissez-faire. Personally, I believe that it is not the best strategy in Kazakhstan, because it is difficult to find huge number of productive specialist. Otherwise laissez-faire is useless.
I did self-assessment of leadership communication style. According to the results, I have preference to authoritarian and democratic style. However, I less prefer Laissez-Faire style of communication. I understand from the book that communication styles are dependent on different situation. For that reason, I should encourage myself to use Laissez-Faire style of communication, when it is appropriate.
This week Ardak and Tolganay gave presentation about leadership and several things I understood from their presentation. In class they discussed trait and situational approach in leadership. According to the trait approach leaders born with certain traits, while situational approach states that behavior is depend on situation. However, my thinking changed a lot after example of lady Nixon. She is pure example of hard work and that people can become and not born as a leader.
Once before I heart that to become a good leader, you must become a good follower first. Path – goal theory is a good example of the best followers. I believe to be an inexperienced and unsure follower. For that reason, I must change to become skilled and experienced.
According to the Hersey blanchard’s situational leadership approach ability and willingness of followers is important to determine appropriate leadership behavior. I have high willingness for task and ability usually depend on task. For that reason, I am usually in level 4 or level 2.
Leader must be prepared for every occasion and see it forehead. Like Ardak and Tolganay had their soundspeakers with them during the lecture.
Usually, I am achievement orientated and I am planning to be more sociable with people. From the book I read that people make a lot of connections with in-group, but it is better to make as much as connections with everyone. However, self-assessment test from the book showed that I have high least-preferred coworker (LPS) score. This basically means that I am more relationship oriented. I do not personally believe that it is true. In addition, from the 4-D Model followership I figured out that job satisfaction is positively correlated with productivity. It changed my thinking, and now I will concern about work conditions for my imaginary employers to increase productivity.
This week I learned that charisma is one of the most important agents of the Leader. Moreover, leader and managers are different entities. For example, not all the managers are leaders. In class we covered several theories of the leader. These theories give portrait of the leader. It changed my view only in one way. Previously I was thinking about leader as a person with certain characteristics, but now I have ambiguous portrait of the leader. For example, leader must have some degree of the charisma, but even from the class discussion, when we voted about most charismatic person, I understood that different people see charisma in different ways. Moreover, according to the communication approach charisma is specific type of communication. However, we all different and have different communication skills and types. My conclusion is that all people have charisma, but sometimes our specific type of communication may be inappropriate in certain situations and we may seems to be uncharismatic. This can be proven with behavioral approach and in critical situation (again critical situation can be different) charismatic leader appear. In those situation people’s specific communication or voice becomes more appropriate, and he or she automatically becomes charismatic.
Other approaches were also interesting but they were less influential to my way of thinking.
Terminal values:
1. Sense of accomplishment
2. Inner harmony
3. Salvation
4. A comfortable life
5. Self-respect
6. Happiness
Instrumental values (help to achieve goals):
1. Honest
2. Self-controlled
3. Responsible
4. Courageous
5. Independent
6. Forgiving
This week I did test about my terminal and instrumental values to identify personal vision and slogan. Thermal and instrumental values you see above are my top values.
My personal vision statement:
Infinity (in soul and mind) can be achieved by honest and hard work, if I will not afraid to think independently.
My Slogan:
Right thinking is a way to infinity.
This week we studied how leadership is related to the power. Power is the ability to influence others. Power is essential tool for the leadership to exist. In overall, seven different power types can be identified. First one is coercive power. Coercive power can be detrimental, because it can humiliate employs by giving negative punishment. Reward power is positive reinforcement, when boss give some goods for desirable behavior. Legitimate power refer to the power that can be obtained from position only. Expert power is based on the person, credibility and knowledge. Reference power is power of the Gandi, when someone has power only because people want to be like them. In that case person with reference power act like role model. Informational power is related to the distribution and access of the data. Finally, ecological power arises from control of the physical environment, such as technology. Finally, power of the leader is not an absolute, because what I want will not really happen all the time.
In the lecture it was mentioned that good leader use different combination of power. In the lecture we did self-assessment to identify personal power profile. According to the results, I have high combination of reward, legitimate, referent and expert power. However, I have low coercive power. It is known that coercive power is can lower effect of other power type, but it can be effective to rule huge number of people. Personally, I believe that for me it is important to use coercive power from time to time.
When I will have my private clinic, I will share power, because it leads to better job satisfaction, better life satisfaction, better cooperation and collective survival. Modifying the environment change structure and change the way we do things. In addition, modifying the environment also help to build intrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation can be formed by choice, competence, impact and meaning. Finally, strong leaders are those who can handle the power that came back (like negative feedback) after power distribution.
# 6
Influence is the ability to change some one mind without direct influence.
Credibility is believability of the person. First component is competence, which is knowledge of the topic, skill and the intelligence. Second one is trustworthiness, which refers to honesty and reliability. Final one is dynamism is how leader see the future and how it shows .
1. Show to the follower that you and him the same. Moreover, you must send same message again and again.
2. Physical appearance is important for the first impression.
For me as for the future leader it is important to build long time credibility and the only way to build that credibility is being an example for others. I must discover myself and sustain hope. It is almost the same thing as being a good parent.
When you are thinking about the argument, you must think about the audience. In that case it will be Jenifer Lewis. As a leader I must think about employees and followers, for that reason I must think about follower’s motivation. In addition, in order to become better leader I must overcome some mental challenges, such as reciprocation, commitment, social proof and liking
If you like someone who like reciprocal, you may think how to use it in your favor.
Instead of consistently do the same stuff, it is better to be malleable.
Social proof:
Recognize when some crowd reaction is true or not. Leader must figure out what is really happening.
Is based on the similarity and compliment. Someone who you see frequently, you like more. Connection between people create liking, because of the mutual trust. For leader it is important to separate productivity with liking. Family connection is also important in Kazakhstan.
Argumentative competence:
One of the most important issue of this chapter was argumentativeness. I believe that argumentation is important to lead and interpret your vision of the future. From the book chapter I did self-assessment test for argumentativeness and I have really very low score. In test scoring minimum scoring in low argumentativeness is 20, but my score was 17!. In truth, from my life experience, I already understood that people gets on your head, when I am always quite. It is better to change myself and involve in the arguments. I believe that argumentativeness is my weakest point from now on.
Verbal aggression vs argumentativeness. Verbal aggression needs to be eliminated for good argumentation.
5 skills to build skills argumentative.
Propositional formula is important to identify who on your side. A to B then C is Q.
Invent an argument:
1. Problem, 2 whom I must to blame. 3. Solution 4. Consequence.
Present and defend your position:
Claim: problem:
Attacking other position:
Chapter 6
When you are thinking about the argument, you must think about the audience. In that case it will be Jenifer Lewis. As a leader I must think about employees and followers, for that reason I must think about follower’s motivation. In addition, in order to become better leader I must overcome some mental challenges, such as reciprocation, commitment, social proof and liking
If you like someone who like reciprocal, you may think how to use it in your favor.
Instead of consistently do the same stuff, it is better to be malleable.
Social proof:
Recognize when some crowd reaction is true or not. Leader must figure out what is really happening.
Is based on the similarity and compliment. Someone who you see frequently, you like more. Connection between people create liking, because of the mutual trust. For leader it is important to separate productivity with liking. Family connection is also important in Kazakhstan.
Critical thinking is important to overcome authority.
We limit freedom of choice, when we face possibility of the short supply. For example, an advertisement of the brand new clothes. Which may lead to the uniqueness of the personality, because it is status.
Leadership in group and teams
Fundamental of group interaction,
Group can effectively interact if they have a common purpose, interdependence, mutual influence, ongoing communication and have specific size. Group change over time. Emergent leadership
Leaders can be chosen be method of the elimination. It allows choosing most effective leaders. Moreover, communication style is also important. The example of assigning the leader can be seen in real life. For example presidential election in USA. Obama was elected for the second time because considered to be effective leader. In difficult time period, like WWII, General Zhukov was elected as head of the army, because other generals was ineffective.
Leader will be rejected if person absent from group meetings, do not contribute to the interaction, do not joke much, demonstrate excessive knowledge like Sheldon from “big bang theory” and demonstrate a contempt for leadership. From my personal experience in group meeting people who passive, irresponsible and talk too much scientific words do not become project leaders.
Useful strategies to become leader or to be effective leader in the group.
Contribute to the group session. It is important to set the goals, challenging weak assumption, show competence and to build status of other people. Clear agenda, determine necessary of the meeting, lay the groundwork and maintain focus in following meetings. For example I am currently engaged in research project with Dr. Schoenbach. As a leader he sets meeting every Friday at exact time. During this meeting people set goals and discuss mistakes. By using this meeting Dr. Schoenbach build status of the people assigning to them different tasks. That kind of meetings is used by Dr. Schoenbach to be an effective leader in his group. In the future I will use the same stategy.
This week we did our discussion leadership assignment. The group in which I worked was really creative. We used Laissez-Faire communication style in group. Previously I really didn’t understand how it can be effective. However, Anatolii, Akbay and me were highly motivated and as 4 year student I considered us as a little experts in class presentations. Akbay did an excellent video to catch an attention. We avoided conflicts and every member allowed to do, what they want to do. In final, it lead to very productive and very creative presentation. The topic was public leadership. There are several things that I understood from this topic. First of all, single speech alone cannot be an effective. You need a campaign. In my presentation I did an analogy with Coca-Cola campaign hello happiness. Class was able to answer questions related to steps in persuasive campaign, such as situation analysis, budget, the duration of the campaign and evaluation of the results. From this realized again that with analogy we can think and remember better. In addition, planning the speech is important in public leadership. As we did before our presentation. Group work this time wasn’t a disaster. For example, I had an experience of leading the group in junior research. Unfortunately, one person and only one of six group members gave me, as a leader, real head ache. He was angry, irresponsible, had conflicts with everyone and even told some gossips about me at the end of the semesters. However, this group work was different from previous semester. It was real pleasure to work with this people. Even if there was no concise emerged or assigned leader, this group work showed to me one important things. It is easy to be productive, task oriented leader, and friendly, interpersonal oriented leader, when you have good team. As a future leader I decided to be a leader that will not waste a time to people, who do not deserve it. Moreover, choosing best team members will be one of the main concern to me. Like army of Genghis Khan. His army was the best because he assigned the best to the general positions, not because of their status and blood relationships.
This week I understand that successful leader must create organization that has a lot of diversity. Diversity gives benefits such as better decision making, greater innovation, high performance and effective resource management. Thinking about Kazakhstan I realize that there are not much diversity here. Primary reason is that Kazakhstan Majority are Kazakh and Russian. In most private and governmental companies you can observe given trend. However, some organization like NU has multicultural and gender diversity. I personally believe that it positively effect on the overall productivity of our university. I observed that NU in 5 years becoming the leading university in Kazakhstan. University comparatively very different from other Kazakhstani universities. Primary reason is that with Cultural and gender diversity, here we get rid of Kazakhstani mentality. When student solve their problems by close relatives, by money and any other empowerment tool.
Good leader must be tolerant and do not believe to any stereotype. I started to think about stereotypes in our society and my personal stereotypes. I started to believe that my stereotypes not only put my perception of the world in the narrow frame, but also frames the point of view of people around me. For example, older people from soviet times were thinking before that people in US are really bad, kill people in Vietnam, Korea and Afghanistan, making sex all the times and cruel, because give their parent to older home. In my childhood those were one of the many thing I was sure about America. As I become older, I started to realize that it is not really true. My final point was trip to Wisconsin, where all stereotypes about America just fold apart. From that life experience I now that relatives stereotypes can easily infect the mind of young and uneducated child. In addition, from my personal experience from group work in assignment, I can state that there are not much difference in leadership style between genders. All the differences are stereotypes created by society. For example the stereotype that women more warm, careful and true. Even I our class I can see ladies, who more harsh and courageous than other man I know.
Importance of ethics. Ethics bound to human communication and leadership. Ethics is moral conduct to judgment. Is human behavior is right and wrong? ethical challenge can be an informational management. For example, ministry of finance, who do not shared information with Kazakhstani people information about devalvation of tenge. Was it ethical or not? Giving that information to people, will create chaos and damage economics even more. However, ministry of finance decided that it was better to harm people. Choice was between people and governmental needs. In that case lying was necessary or not? For sure, lying is wrong and it damages character of the leader. In addition lying can destroy organizational work. Ethically correct leader must follow the rule. Challenge of power in ethics is important. For example, medical doctor who do not want to do abortion, should not be punished.
Challenge of privilege like reward for leader is bigger that reward for followers. For example, mayor of cities in Kazakhstan, who uses governmental money to buy very expensive cars and having the highest possible salary in governmental organization. However, there are no correct answer.
Loyalty to duty. To family, to society and so on is important to consider. For example president of Chili insisted to dig for miners even, if chances was low. Personal needs can sometime get advantage of ethical norms of the society. For example, you can get rid of your boss to get his position. In addition, in Kazakh Khan killed each other for become main head in the region. Ethical dilemmas is always the case in personal needs.
Problem with ethics can appear when people do not have as high moral sensitivity as other people. For that reason, some student in NU do not see cheating as morally wrong. For that giving answers is helping and it is right thing to do. For example, I allowed to copy my work frequently at school, because classmates asked a help from me. However, now I realize that simply coping or doing others job is not the help. You damage person more, because he/she become really unintelligent.
In conclusion, ethical dilemmas will appear frequently on the way of every leader. Leader must have clear understanding of rules in organization to solve every case.
This week we studied one of the last chapters about Leader and leadership development. Relationship is important to achieve the aims and to connection. Mentor is important for career and psychological support. In career mentor can help to acquire funding, mentor can also coach, protect and help with challenges. From psychological point of view mentor is role model and become real friend.
Abilities of leader can be developed. Challenge and diversity in organization can help to develop leadership. In addition, analyzing mistakes and fails, and personal trauma can help people to get up and become stronger as a leader. Most strong leaders faced most hard obstacle in their life. For example, Thomas Edison, Nelson Mandela and Napoleon Bonaparte. Nick Vudich is another example to consider, because he struggle from the disability, but able to become one of the most popular orators in our time. Mentor and person relationship depend on the person openness to the mentor. And it is two way relationships and attitude of both person and mentor is important.
I have several mentors in my life. For example, Azamat abi, Ernar abi, Dr. Schoenbach and ect. One of the mentors once told me that life is all about creating the habit. First we create the habit and then habit create us. 7 habit of highly effective people is important and make sense for me. My personal habit of the success: Daily to do list!
My leadership map.
My leadership map have three main roads. The first road is family, the second road is school , the third road is university. All of the roads are twisted and in constant turns, because my leadership path was never straight. Family tree consist of father, mother, sister, grandparents and main branch lead to role model. This is because family constantly serves as model to follow. School had some important turns and people. For example, teachers, abiler (something like mentors in class), friends and I also struggled with ideas about good and evil. However, in overall school didn’t really contribute to my leadership skills and experience.
Final, in my map I have University Street, which contributed the most to my leadership skills. For example, in this street you can see group project, Friends, Classes, internships, books and all the people around me who shaped my way of thinking. University Street finally leads to communication classes that I took this semester.
Interestingly to note that all of this street grow constantly with the time, like branches on the tree. As the time changes so deferent street contribute more or less to my leadership skills.
! = important
Bones = less important

[1] Hackman, M. & Johnson, C. (2013). Leadership: A Communication Perspective, 6th Ed.
[2] Sourya Acharya and Samarth Shukla, Mirror neurons: Enigma of the metaphysical modular brain, J. Nat. Sci. Biol. Med. 2012 Jul-Dec; 3(2): 118–124.doi:  10.4103/0976-9668.101878

[3] Sheldon Stryker, (2015) From Mead to a Structural Symbolic Interactionism and Beyond, Annu. Rev. Sociol 2008. 34:15–31

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