Tuesday, April 12, 2016

What causes some students at NU to achieve low grades?

There are a few students at universities who do not perform academically very well. In fact, it can be caused by possible three factors that disturb student from the studies. For example, excessive video gaming, cheating and ineffective time management..
First factor which affect on low grades of students is the playing computer games. For example, DOTA, Counter strike. That kind of violent video games mainly affect on the time management, because student loose from 20 minutes to 7 hours of their time. As a result people not able to cope with their course work, projects and simple home works. Moreover, when student playing computer games for a long time they may feel tired even if student have extra time to perform their assignments. In addition, occasionally students play all over the night as a results they will not attend to the classes. If they do not attend to the classes, they will not understand the topics of their subject, for that reason they may fail term exams. For example, reason  my four classmates failed their cristmas exams, because the spended about. As a matter of the fact, girls are usually far from this addictive time-wasting, which results in their worth academic achievements.
The second cause which affect on the low grades is cheating or plagiarism. For example, if student cheating from the other student the task which they have to perform themself, the possibility that will memorize information essential for learning decrease. As a result, before the term exams some student make an attempts to memorize huge amount of information form the lectures, coursework and factsheets. However, that kind of attempt do not always lead to desired results. Moreover, plagiarism may affect on the student whose work was copied. For example, chemistry and biology foundation students whose work was not estimated, because their work was plagiated.
The third cause that create an obstacle to achieve high grades for the students of the Nazarbaev University is ineffective time management of the student. Main policy of the university is the self-study and after the induction week foundation student do not really understand the meaning of the self study. Self-study is the process when student learn most of the information by search and understanding the subject by himself or herself. And student who do not understand it will probably fail the exams, because they will not have enough time to memorize and to understand big amount of information. Reason of this will be ineffective time management and constant procrastination of the home task. The supportive example for the effect of improper time management will be almost everyone in chem.-bio faculty who postpone his or her biology lab report and missed submission.  

In conclusion, there are three possible factor which leads to slow grades among the students of Nazarbaev University, such as playing computer games, plagiarism and ineffective time management. This three factor can cause condition where student of Nazarbaev University will be not able to achieve high grades.

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